Your community

is about infrastructure and assets—and everything it takes to keep it running. The tasks pile up and the work keeps coming. And all of this creates data and history. Information when captured, made easily accessible, and preserved, becomes invaluable for so many reasons. 

This is where
Beehive can help.

Beehive public asset management software was built to connect you to your community’s infrastructure and assets in a simple way. The ultimate goal being to help you capture, preserve and use data to make more informed decisions. No more guessing where an asset is located or piecing together what work has been done to it. No more relying on disparate tools, paperwork or memory to uncover critical questions or prioritize efforts around assets and infrastructure.

Where is it located? What is it? What’s been done to it? What needs to be done to it? Who’s working on it?

Don’t guess. Know with Beehive.

This is Beehive in motion. Don’t just read our story—watch it unfold.
Learn how we can assist your team with our easy to use Work Management System and powerful Asset Management tools

Your terms are our terms.

We built Beehive as a hosted cloud-based solution to minimize the burden on your staff. And we let you determine who gets access because you know your people and your needs better than we do.

 Hosted cloud-based solution • Buy only the modules you need and add more later • Flexible terms that fit your budget

Getting started? Well, it’s simple.

Help us know your needs and the current state of your data, and we will shoulder the burden of setup—all done as quickly as possible. The last thing we want is to be another tool collecting dust. We do our best to make getting started simple, and we work hard to make sure you’re getting the most out of Beehive.

No daunting implementation • Upfront and ongoing training provided • Efficient and quick setup

Take beehive for a spin and experience how we're reshaping data management.

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